Keeping up your Vitamin D Levels

Dr. Arianna Carughi
SAB Member, Nutritional Scientist

One of the most important things we can do these days is keep up our vitamin D status (or levels in our blood). Coming up to winter and with “lockdown” and “stay-at-home” orders we should redouble our efforts to obtain vitamin D in our diet. Why? Because studies show that optimal levels of this vitamin appear to protect and improve the time course of difficult-to-treat viral respiratory tract infections such as influenza.

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90-Day Challenge Winner: Richard Vaughan lost 16 kilos†

What was life like before NeoLife?
When my wife started working with NeoLife I knew the products were great and that she had finally after many years of searching found a credible company to represent. Even though I knew the products were great I was not consistent with taking them. For years I was called the carbo-man at work because I daily went to the vending machine to satisfy my cravings and my lunch was a choice of more carbs. My nightly habit would consist of a bag of chips and or biscuits. I was addicted to carbs and sugar but I thought if I kept my weight under 90 kilos I was doing fine.Read More

90-Day Challenge Winner: Enrique Gonzalez

“I served a mission in Paraguay Asunción in South America for two years in 2005 until 2007. Being in a third world country I dropped a ton of weight and came back home with a lot of sickness and illnesses. Up to the point that I was introduced to NeoLife, I was not sleeping well, I was constantly tired, my digestive track was off and doctors couldn’t figure out the cause.Read More