Breakfast Skipping Equals Higher Diabetes Risk!

By John Miller
SAB Director, Product Technologist, Researcher

When you wake up in the morning you may have been asleep, but your body wasn’t. While you were catching your much needed ZZZ’s, your body’s systems were hard at work cleaning up the metabolic debris of yesterday and preparing for the challenges of tomorrow. That activity consumes a lot of nutrients and often leaves us in a bit of nutritional debt that may set you up for all sorts of problems, from day-to-day fatigue to a fast track path to chronic disease. Science tells us a simple solution for avoiding this is to refuel each morning…. meaning eat your breakfast!Read More

90-Day Challenge Winner: Nicole Lost 18 Kilos

nicole_hammondLost 18 kgs using Breakfast Pack

What was your motivation for joining the 90-Day Challenge?

My motivation for joining the 90-Day Challenge was to lose the weight I had gained and to have more confidence in myself. I had found I had no motivation to dress up or look pretty because I didn’t like what I looked like. I was feeling sad and terrible about my weight and was just tired of feeling tired. I had quit drinking but was still feeling really bad health wise. I had aches in my feet and they hurt all the time. I had to get special inserts in my shoes to help with the pain. I had no energy to do much of anything. I would yell upstairs for my kids instead of walking to them. I never wanted to take them anywhere or go anywhere. I had no confidence in myself or in my marriage.
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