With more and more women running successful businesses, the rise of the mumpreneur is real!
According to the ASBFEO, data shows a steady upwards trend in the proportion of female business owners/managers over the last 20 years, with women now representing 35.4% of business owner/managers.1 Today, women make up around 76% of network marketers worldwide.2
What makes mums such great entrepreneurs? Our guess is it has to do something with years of practising patience, persistence, multi-tasking and knowing how to make the most of every spare minute! This successful mumpreneur gets real about how NeoLife makes it possible:
1. How does NeoLife make it possible to succeed as an entrepreneur and a mum?
I’ve always wanted to be a stay-at-home mum, but I also always desired to use my abilities to see tangible growth in our income. Every tool, system and support you need to grow a successful NeoLife business is accessible online and I am able to create a passive income stream that rivals any full time career income, while being fully engaged in motherhood.
2. What would you say to someone who says that they don’t have time to work the business/share NeoLife?
You always have time for what you truly want. I never felt like I had the “time” to build a NeoLife business. I still don’t. But three years from now, I don’t want to regret the thirty minutes each morning I spent scrolling Instagram or sleeping in and wish I had put it toward building a passive income stream. It doesn’t take a lot out of me, it just takes consistency.
3. How has NeoLife positively impacted your life?
Let me count the ways. NeoLife gave my body what it needed nutritionally to heal itself at 19 years old and by God’s grace supported me through four healthy pregnancies and deliveries in four years. My husband was able to quit his job and pursue his lifelong dream and we bought our first home in our ideal city. I never dreamed that at 25 years old I would have complete financial and locational freedom, be working a job I love and have the energy and time to raise and homeschool our precious children.†
4. What has helped you get where you are as a NeoLife Mumpreneur and what advice would you have for others who want to set off in a similar path?
Honing in on what my money-making activities were, changed our NeoLife income from side-hustle status, to a full-time salary in one month. It’s easy to feel productive listening to a sales call, writing down goals, or researching products. These are great additions to your money-making activity. But what really increases your income and impact in NeoLife are conversations. The more conversations you have and the better you become at having them, the faster your business will grow.
5. What is your secret to productivity?
Loving what I do. When you love something, you can’t wait to jump out of bed in the morning and knock out boring tasks so you can get to the work that excites you. NeoLife went from something I would put off for weeks, to a business I cannot wait to build each day, when I discovered a method of business building I LOVED.
6. What do you see for the future?
Lord willing, thousands of women and their families finding long-term health and financial stability through NeoLife. A property in the country where we can raise our family and continue growing our business. And maybe another NeoLife baby or two. 😉
Hear from more NeoLife Mumpreneurs:
†Results not typical. Please see Statement of Average Gross Compensation in your NeoLife Back Office @ myoffice.neolife.com>Resources> Resources Library>Business & Product Guides>Promoter Claims Guidance Manual
1. https://www.asbfeo.gov.au/sites/default/files/ASBFEO%20Small%20Business%20Counts%20Dec%202020%20v2.pdf
2. https://networkmarketingpro.com/why-women-rule/#:~:text=In%20Network%20Marketing%2077%25%20of,three%20big%20myths%20about%20women.