It seems that very often we are told about the importance of having fruits, vegetables and whole grains in a balanced diet to obtain needed vitamins and minerals. With all the benefits of these foods, we forget that these foods also contain fibre which is an important part of our everyday diet. Fibre can help you in multiple ways. It can help you with controlling your weight by making you feel full for a longer time and it can also help you with digestion, as it aids with the movement of food through your digestive system.1 Foods with higher fibre amounts may make you feel full longer as they are more satisfying.1 Consider what may make you feel full longer—drinking a glass of apple juice or eating an apple whole. A whole apple may make you full longer because of the fibre in the apple and in its skin. Also, with enough fluid, fibre can help glide food through your system more quickly, helping you with issues of constipation.1 Some types of fibre provide the benefits of lowering levels of blood sugar and blood glucose, which in turn, can lower your risk of getting diabetes or heart disease.2 Fibre is a powerhouse for providing benefits to your digestive and heart health and overall well-being.Read More