Health Professionals around the world are making the decision to partner with us on our shared mission of making the world a healthier and happier place. These nurses share how they can transform lives around the world and touch more people than ever before as NeoLife Promoters.Read More
Elements of the Ideal Business
By Allan Blain
3 Ruby Director
What would your perfect business be? I personally have 20 components of an ideal business. There is no other business I know of, besides NeoLife, that meets all 20. Three years ago, I decided to build a part-time NeoLife business. My full-time career was being the CEO of a multi-million-dollar real estate company. Within 16 months of getting started, Nicole and I built our NeoLife business to a 6-figure income. We made time in the nooks and crannies of our busy day to build this business because we wanted to make an impact and we wanted to build a better life. I retired from my CEO position and have been enjoying these benefits ever since.†Read More