Eat a Rainbow: Why it matters & How to supplement the gaps

By Dr. Diane E. Clayton
SAB Member

Why does Fruit and Vegetable Intake Matter?
There is overwhelming evidence that higher fruit and vegetables consumption is associated with lower incidence of chronic diseases.1,2 One of today’s biggest focus areas in nutritional research is to explain the reasons why fruit and vegetable intake has such a positive effect on our health. Is it the valuable vitamin and mineral content? The fibre content? Or could it be due to the very diverse array of phytonutrients that fruit and vegetables contain? Maybe all of these play a role? Naturally, there is a clear need to better understand the protective effects of fruit and vegetables and their constituent bioactive phytonutrients.

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NeoLife’s Golden Home Care: Leading the Way in Clean Ingredient Selection

By Mark Lowman,
Scientific Advisory Board member

A wise frog once lamented that it is not easy being green. Taken in the context of home care products, he could be right if being green is not part of a company’s philosophy – the way the company conducts itself with careful consideration for the environment and for the people using the product.

That is exactly how NeoLife is with its Golden Home Care line of cleaning products. It is part of our company’s culture and philosophy to be mindful of the potential impact on the environment that cleaning products can have both inside and outside the home. You could say that NeoLife was green long before the term became a buzzword. In fact, NeoLife cared about the environment before it became cool, so for us it really is not too hard to be green.
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Get Defensive: Immunity & Exercise

Liz Applegate, NeoLife SAB
Ph.D., Nutrition, Sports Nutritionist

We all know the drill: wash your hands, avoid touching your face and eyes, stay at home and stay at least 1.5 – 2m apart when in public to maintain physical separation. These along with other guidelines are in place for our own safety in an effort to stop the spread of the coronavirus. But wait!! What about one of our best defences against illness? Exercise!! Regular moderate to vigorous activities like walking, jogging and dancing adding up to 150 minutes weekly, play a critical role in supporting your immune system and protecting your body against illness caused by bacteria and viruses. In fact, staying fit (or getting fit) during this pandemic may be your ticket to staying healthy at this critical time and even after the acute threat passes.

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Keeping up your Vitamin D Levels

Dr. Arianna Carughi
SAB Member, Nutritional Scientist

One of the most important things we can do these days is keep up our vitamin D status (or levels in our blood). Coming up to winter and with “lockdown” and “stay-at-home” orders we should redouble our efforts to obtain vitamin D in our diet. Why? Because studies show that optimal levels of this vitamin appear to protect and improve the time course of difficult-to-treat viral respiratory tract infections such as influenza.

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Improving our Immune Resilience: Role of Phytonutrients

By Dr. Arianna Carughi
SAB Member, Nutritional Scientist

A strong, well-functioning immune system is the cornerstone of good health. Continuing on SAB member, Dr. Diane Clayton’s article Supporting your Immune System and SAB Director, John Miller’s article Human Immune Function: Facts and Realities for today, and always, I wanted to focus on the role of phytonutrients in improving our immune resilience. These powerful food components play an important role in our health, supporting and modulating immune function to keep us healthy and prevent specific diseases.Read More

Supporting your Immune System

By Dr. Diane Clayton,
International V.P. and NeoLife SAB

There is powerful evidence to support the strong role that nutrition plays towards our health. And what in life is more precious to us than our health and that of our family! We must all do the maximum to build up and protect our health. Together our immune system provides biological, biochemical and even chemical weaponry to keep our body defended and to help it repair and recover from challenges. We need to improve our RESILIENCE as much as we can! Optimum nutrition plays a powerful role here.Read More

Human Immune Function: Facts and Realities for today, and always

By John Miller
SAB Director, Product Technologist, Researcher

As everyone in the world comes to grips with the realities of the COVID-19 pandemic I thought it would be a good time for us to remind ourselves of how important our immune system is, how much we take it for granted and how much it is dependent upon our ability to provide it with the nutrition it needs to deliver its highest level of protection. This is a message the NeoLife Scientific Advisory Board has been delivering for decades, but it has never been more appropriate than right now.Read More

Breakfast Skipping Equals Higher Diabetes Risk!

By John Miller
SAB Director, Product Technologist, Researcher

When you wake up in the morning you may have been asleep, but your body wasn’t. While you were catching your much needed ZZZ’s, your body’s systems were hard at work cleaning up the metabolic debris of yesterday and preparing for the challenges of tomorrow. That activity consumes a lot of nutrients and often leaves us in a bit of nutritional debt that may set you up for all sorts of problems, from day-to-day fatigue to a fast track path to chronic disease. Science tells us a simple solution for avoiding this is to refuel each morning…. meaning eat your breakfast!Read More