Beyond Willpower: How Your Microbiome Can Impact Your Eating Habits

Microbiome NeoLife Acidophilus Plus

There’s been a lot of talk about the gut microbiome in recent years. If you aren’t yet aware of its critical function and importance, here’s what you need to know.

Our diets feed more than just our body’s cells. We’re also feeding a variety of microorganisms that reside inside our digestive tracts, collectively known as the gut microbiome. Research shows strong associations between specific nutrients from our diets and the appearance of certain microbes in our gut.2 This is key to understanding how our diet impacts our health.Read More

What is the best time of day to take a probiotic?

Probiotics have been steadily gaining more attention as research continues to reveal just how important a healthy gut microbiota is. Your microbiota has an astonishing level of impact on you, including, but not limited to, impacting nutrient absorption, playing a role in immune defences, and even producing neurotransmitters like serotonin.1 When we consume beneficial bacteria in our foods, or as supplemental probiotics, they can join forces with our intrinsic, or natural, resident microbiota, helping to prevent our gut microbiota from getting out of balance.

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Prebiotics: What You Should Know

Written by Dr. Masís

In a previous blog about probiotics, we discussed the top things you need to do about these special microbes (or tiny forms of life such as bacteria, viruses and fungi) that thrive in different parts of your body, particularly in your gut! To recap, probiotics are microbes that help support your intestinal microbial ecosystem and balance.1 So now that you know a little bit more about probiotics, you have no doubt also become aware of the term prebiotic and are probably thinking—yes there’s more to know than just probiotics! Prebiotics do differ from probiotics in many ways. Think of prebiotics as a fuel source for the beneficial bacteria in your gut.Read More

3 Things You Need to Know About Probiotics

Bacteria—a term that often has a negative connotation. But there are good bacteria and bad bacteria and one of their happy homes include a place most don’t often think about—your gut! Your gut consists of your gastrointestinal tract and includes the organs starting from your mouth to your stomach, small and large intestines and colon. Read More