Neolife Founder Shines in DSN Magazine

We are thrilled to announce that our beloved founder, Jerry Brassfield (or JB, as we fondly call him), has been honoured with the prestigious Lifetime Achievement Award! JB’s journey from overcoming childhood challenges to founding NeoLife is nothing short of inspirational. His unwavering determination and innovative spirit have shaped direct selling and empowered countless individuals to achieve their dreams.

One of our favourite quotes from JB in this DNS piece is: “I think there’s a lesson to be learned there. You stick to it; you keep going; and you just refuse to give up. If I were to have a lesson for anyone, it’s you can’t hit the ball if you’re not swinging at it.” Jerry’s right! If you’re not practicing, you’re not progressing. So, never stop swinging!

Read about JB’s remarkable story, his philosophy of never giving up, and his dedication to building a legacy that benefits future generations. We are incredibly proud of Jerry and his relentless commitment to making the world a better place.

Join us in celebrating JB’s incredible achievement and get inspired by his journey. Click here to read the full article!