Get Defensive: Immunity & Exercise

Liz Applegate, NeoLife SAB
Ph.D., Nutrition, Sports Nutritionist

We all know the drill: wash your hands, avoid touching your face and eyes, stay at home and stay at least 1.5 – 2m apart when in public to maintain physical separation. These along with other guidelines are in place for our own safety in an effort to stop the spread of the coronavirus. But wait!! What about one of our best defences against illness? Exercise!! Regular moderate to vigorous activities like walking, jogging and dancing adding up to 150 minutes weekly, play a critical role in supporting your immune system and protecting your body against illness caused by bacteria and viruses. In fact, staying fit (or getting fit) during this pandemic may be your ticket to staying healthy at this critical time and even after the acute threat passes.

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Your Resident Microbes: Friends or Enemies?

Written by Dr. Diane E. Clayton
Believe it or not the average human contains 10 times more microbial cells than human cells. In fact our microbiome or our microbial “ecosystem” together with our DNA is what makes each of us unique. The only time we are microbe-free is during the 9 months we spend in the womb. During birth, after birth and during the first few years of life our resident microbes (comprising not just bacteria, but also viruses, fungi and protozoa) establish themselves in and on our body as a balanced and stable community, helping us grow and develop into healthy adults. Exactly how our resident microbes become established is determined both by our genetics and the environment we live in. So, when all goes well, we live in harmony with a stable community of microbes which confer upon us numerous health benefits.Read More