Children’s Nutrition: Do Your Kids Eat Enough Fruits & Veggies?

With summer time fun in motion and the kids out of school for holidays, keeping them healthy, happy and productive can be a lot of work! And let’s face it, raising kids and juggling life is no easy thing.

According to Australia’s Health 2018 report, children ages 4-18 need between 1½ to 2 serves of fruit and 4½ to 5½ serves of vegetables daily. The good news is that the latest health survey shows kids are eating more fruits and vegetables, but the bad news is neither of those requirements is being met!Read More

How Nutrition Affects Our Health Today And Tomorrow

The foods and supplements we consume make up our diet. The diet is our body’s only source for raw materials it needs to perform its day-to-day functions. These cellular workings are complicated and continual. Fortunately, our cells perform their jobs automatically, without any forethought on our part. Our only responsibility to this intricate, dynamic system is to provide the high-quality nutrients the body needs to do a good job.

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Elements of the Ideal Business

By Allan Blain
3 Ruby Director

What would your perfect business be? I personally have 20 components of an ideal business. There is no other business I know of, besides NeoLife, that meets all 20. Three years ago, I decided to build a part-time NeoLife business. My full-time career was being the CEO of a multi-million-dollar real estate company. Within 16 months of getting started, Nicole and I built our NeoLife business to a 6-figure income. We made time in the nooks and crannies of our busy day to build this business because we wanted to make an impact and we wanted to build a better life. I retired from my CEO position and have been enjoying these benefits ever since.Read More